Greg Scudder
Hi, my name is Greg Scudder. I am 26 years old and have lived in the Central Valley of California all my life. By trade I am a carpenter, but my passion is singing and writing country music. Over the past years I have performed locally at numerous venues as a solo artist. Wanting to expand my options I recently formed a band called, “GREG SCUDDER & The BEER:30”. Over the past 10 months we have performed at over 80 venues, which has been a great learning experience. Whether performing solo or with the band I love to put on a high-energy show that entertains and gets the crowd involved.
I am also a very dedicated songwriter. I am a member of NSAI and have written over 20 songs. I have several of my songs recorded and many more that I would love to do as soon as it starts “raining money!” My goal is to eventually put out my first CD or at least have a great demo to share with the music industry. My songs are all inspired by my life experiences, family and friends.
When I’m not writing and playing music I enjoy camping, fishing, hunting, and hanging out with family and friends. I am also a very active member of the Lions Club. I am the youngest member and volunteer and get volunteered for many things; they think us “youngins” have all the energy! I try to do a lot for the community, because I feel if I can make a positive impact now it will benefit future generations as well.
Feel free to check out my music on or or You Tube: gscudder1
© Moments By Moser Photography * Bev Moser